Wednesday, May 10, 2006

an image of me...

Time for a visit

It's been a while since last I was on this blog and probably just as long (or longer) since I worked on the actual game. To paraphrase "life is what happens while you're waiting for life to happen."

Anyhow, I have been keeping busy.

Two nights out of the week I have rehearsal -- Monday's for Out Loud, the new [gay] men's choir in Colorado Springs, and Wednesday's for chancel choir at First Congregational Church. Tuesday night I take Maria (my chihuahua) to visit with David and watch American Idol. What a surprize about Chris. I have to imagine that he'll do well professionally anyhow. That leaves a night for doing laundry and such and then -- ta da -- the weekend. Been filling those with all kinds of things lately. While taking Maria for a walk I met up with one of my neighbors (Becky) and we had a good walk and talk. As we reached our homes, we saw that other neighbor's were having a mini-porch party. "Come over, " said Sue and Mark and so we did. First I dropped Maria off at home and picked up a bottle of wine. It was a cool evening.

I've been working on my cropping project as well. I am determined that I won't put everything away until it is finished. Not really too much of a mess, but I know I need to get it cleaned up before I think about having anyone over.

I know, just random ramblings. Thanks for checking it out. I'll get deep and philosophical later.